

Selected and annotated by

Professor Dr. Jovan MARJANOVIC

Faculty of Humanities
Belgrade University

With the collaboration of Mihailo STANISIC M. A.

Published by: Arhivski pregled, Beograd,
Karnedžijeva 2

Printed by: Servis Saveza udruženja pravnika Jugoslavije,
Beograd, Proleterskih brigada 74.


60. German Pass for Chetnik Officer_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 130
61. Letter from Major S. Vranješevic to D. Mihailovic
on Indispensability of Collaboration_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 131
62. Allied Intelligence Bulletin on Chetnik Collaboration
with the Enemy_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 133
63. German-Chetnik Talks in Eastern Serbia_ _ _ _ _ 135
64. Report of General Felber Military Governor of Serbia
on His Talks with Chetnik Commander Neško Nedic_ _ 137
65. D. Mihailovic Secures Food for the Reich_ _ _ _ _ _ 139
66. US Intelligence Report on Collaboration of Deligrad
Chetnik Corps woth the Enemy_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 141
67. Chetnik-German Talks in Topola_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 142
68. Chetnik Usefulness according to Evaluation of
German Command Southeast_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 145
69. German-Chetnik Collaboration in East Serbia_ _ _ 148
70. Germans Supply Bacovic and Lukacevic_ _ _ _ _ 149
71. Allied Report on Chetnik Collaboration_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 150
72. Royal Chetnik Guard Requests Germans for
Ammunition_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 153

judenfreistampsSerbian postage stamps of 1941.
Belgrade was the first city in
Europe to be declared Judenfrei;
Free of the jews. The Serbian insignia,
still used today, appears in the
upper corner of each stamp.

“The Serbian chetniks of Draza Mihailovic were represented as fighters against the occupier, while in fact they were the allies of the Nazi fascists in Yugoslavia….The documents in this collection indicate clearly and unequivocally that the Chetniks collaborated with the occupiers, both in the military and political sphere, as well as in the domain of economic activity, intelligence and propaganda… (source: the Serbian scholars, Dr. Jovan Marjanovic & Mihail Stanisic, The collaboration of Draza Mihailovic’s Chetniks with the enemy forces of occupation, 1976.)

After spending several years studying and doing research on archive materials pertaining to the Chetnik movement of Draža Milhailovic I deemed it expedient to place a part of these documents and persons similarly engaged in the study of history and related subjects. Publication was indispensable for several reasons: For a long time General Draža Milhailovic remained the greatest mystification within the anti-Hitlerite condition. The Chetniks of D. Milhailovic were represented as fighters against the occupiers, while in actual fact they were allies of the Nazi-fascists in Yugoslavia where a nationwide people’s armed rising under Tito’s leadership had began as early as in July 1941; abundant archive materials of foreign provenience, primarily German, British, American and Italian, hitherto unknown to the public, have become accessible during the past three decades. These documents have made it possible to remove the veil of mystification that enshrouded the genuine role of D. Milhailovic’s Chetniks for so long. A large number of western historians and publicists are still writing very maliciously and untruthfully about the Chetniks of D. Milhailovic, concealing the very existence of the relevant archive materials which are available precisely and exclusively in western archives. At the same time certain emigrant Chetnik leaders, such as Ž. Topalovic, D. Jevdjevic, M. Žujovic, M. Djuic, Zv. Vuckovic and others have published memories and other works in the allied countries and in which they seek to conceal or justify Chetnik collaboration with the enemy invaders.
This thematic collaboration of documents is a result of research done in Belgrade, Washington. London, Bonn, Koblenz and Freiburg( am Breisgau). The superabundance of materials on Chetnik collaboration with the enemy actually constituted the greatest difficulty, in view of the fact that the publication of these materials alone would require several thick volumes. I therefore strove to select a very limited number of characteristic documents for this collection. Owing to considerations of space it was necessary to publish some documents in abridged form (i.e. as excerpts). One of the main criteria was to select hitherto unpublished documents, so that the vast majority of materials in this collection are appearing for the first time in print. Only a few exceptions have been made in the interest of overall thematic and chronological unity.
chetniks03A group of Chetniks pose with German soldiers in an unidentified village in Serbia.

The collection covers documents from the war years 1941-1944. The documents from 1945 have not been included here, because by that time the Chetnik units of D. Mihailovic had become wholly incorporated in the German front in Yugoslavia. At that juncture the Chetniks were equipped and armed completely by the Germans and were fighting under German command.
The editor of this collection took care to include documents which refer to all regions in which D. Mihailovic Chetniks have been active. This indicates clearly enough that Chetnik collaboration was not limited to certain areas only, or was due to “arbitrary and undisciplined” action by the individual Chetnik commanders. It was a well pondered deliberate policy of the supreme Chetnik leadership including Draža Mihailovic himself. This policy of collaboration with the enemy was wholeheartedly endorsed and pursued by the other Chetnik leaders in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Dalmatia, Lika, Slovenia and the Kosovo (as is known, the Chetnik movement was virtually non-existent in the larger part of Croatia in Macedonia and Vojvodina.)
drazanaziPhoto:Arhiv Srbije,Beograd,Yugoslavia.
Crimes of Chetnik-fascist army during WWII
An Italian officer in company with Mihailovic’s Chetniks
Photo:Arhiv Srbije,Beograd,Yugoslavia.

The documents in this collection indicate clearly and unequivocally that the Chetniks collaborated with the occupiers, both in the military and political sphere, as well as in the domain of economic activity, intelligence and propaganda. Evidence of Chetnik collaboration in this collection is provided by German, Italian, British, American and Chetnik documents. Documents of Partisan origin, of which there are many, have not been included in this selection, lest any objections be made to the effect that the selection of documents indicates a certain bias.

The texts of the documents are accompanied only by indispensable explanations concerning the individual persons and events mentioned. Moreover, the contents of the documents render all comment superfluous.

The documents have been translated into English by Angela Vujovic.
Archive call numbers are cited for every document, except for the German and Italian ones which are published according to the microfilm edition of the National Archives in Washington (NAW).

This collection of documents has concurrently been published in Serbo-Croatian under the title: Tajna I javna saradnja Cetnika I okupatora (1941-1944) (Secret and Public Collaboration of Chetniks and Occupiers), Belgrade 1976.

I. VII 1976.

Professor Dr. Jovan MARJANOVIC
Faculty of Humanities
Belgrade University


Jovan Marjanovic

dr Jovan Marjanovic-Joca, Istoricar (1920. – 1980.)


Najbolji poznavalac partizanskog i cetnickog pokreta.

Roden je 1. aprila 1920. godine u Sanskom Mostu (Bosna i Hercegovina). Pre rata završioo Bogosloviju u Sarajevu i 1940. godine upisao se na teološki fakultet.

Godine 1941. do 1945 u Narodnooslobodilackoj vojsci nalazio se na dužnosti politickog komesara cete, bataljona i brigade. Po oslobodenju stalno je bio na partijsko-politickim dužnostima. Bio je clan Okružnog komiteta u Banja Luci (1945-1947), a zatim završio Višu partisku školu “Ðuro Ðakovic” u Beogradu. Radio je jedno vreme i u partiskoj školi CK SK BIH u kojoj je bio i upravnik do 1954

Od tada živi u Beogradu, gde je diplomirao istoriju na Filozofskom Fakultetu, a doktorirao 1961. na istom, na temu “Narodnooslobodilacki pokret u Srbiji 1941-1945”.

Od 1963. stalni profesor Istorije XX. veka na Filozofskom Fakultetu, a od 1979. osnivac katedre za “Istoriju Jugoslavije 1918-1978”, gde je radio kao predavac.

Zajedno sa dr Vasom Cubrilovicem bio je saradnik na Balkanološkom institutu.

Naprasno je umro 1980 . godine u Beogradu.

Radio je i kao uredivac i priredivac leksikona, enciklopedija i školskih udžbenika. Objavio je veliki broj knjiga i radova na temu Narodnooslobodilackog pokreta u Jugoslaviji 1941-1945.

Najznacajmije su:

  • Narodnooslobodilacki pokret u Srbiji 1941, Beograd, 1961.
  • Prilozi za istoriju sukoba NOP i Cetnika-Zbornik radova za Istoriju XX veka, Beograd, 1962.
  • Ustanak i NOB u Srbiji 1941-1945, Beograd, 1963.
  • Oslobodilacki rat i narodna revolucija, Beograd, 1964.

Politicke stranke i moderne države, Beograd, 1970.

  • Drugi svetski rat, Beograd, 1973.
  • Tajna i javna saradnja Cetnika sa okupatorom-Arhivska grada, Beograd, 1978.
  • Draža Mihailovic izmedu Britanaca i Nemaca, Beograd, 1979.

Odlikovan je:

  • Ordenom bratstva i jedinstva II reda
  • Ordenom zasluge za narod
  • Ordenom partizanske zvezde III reda
  • Ordenom za hrabrost

Marjanovic, Jovan, Professor Dr. The Collaboration Of D.Mihailovic’s Chetniks With The Enemy
Forces Of Occupation.
Beograd: Arhivski pregled, 1976.